Get to know us

We started in a franchised child's/birthday/video game/restaurant what seems has been memories for almost 20 years. In 2023, My wife showed me these cotton candy characters people were making, online and we were hooked.

Knowing how important your party is, and bringing this unique form of entertainment seemed like perfect fit.

Our Team

Our strength lies in our ability to let the older and wiser of us do the important work of sales and marketing, accounting and legal while letting our new generation set our artistic objectives and challenge new boundaries.

Grant Gillott

Founder / Artist-spinner / Older

Math and Engineering

Jaye Gillott

Founder/ Sales, Marketing / Wiser

Organization and Execution

Cameron Gillott

Creative Director /Artist-creator


David Davis

Doyen in tech/electrical/design and repair.

Without Dave, nothing would work.